Gardens: My Garden
My own small garden is an attempt to employ a number of the basic elements
of Japanese design



The creation of a Japanese style garden provides a number of challenges:

Design - Discovering how best to use your available space with deference to the specific aesthetics of Japanese design. Clearly, a creative flair helps here, to appreciate the qualities of form, balance, space and structure.

Materials - In the UK, obtaining appropriate materials can be a big problem. There will be a need to improvise and seek alternatives. Obtaining a substitute for masago, the 'white sand' used in kare-sansui gardens, is just one of the dilemmas.

Structures - Placing a replica stone lantern will not make a Japanese garden. Much consideration must be given to sculptural and 'man-made' objects.
The emphasis must be on 'natural' materials to add decking, bridges, fences and maybe a lantern or water basin.

The menu pages give more detail about these specific elements but more importantly, read books written by Japanese authorities on the subject.